I just thought I would take this time to reach out to everyone, and to thank all who have and are making HamShack Hotline a success! We have grown leaps and bounds over the last several years. None of us at HamShack Hotline ever envisioned this to take off as it has. It is amazing to see all the excitement and energy that so many of you have brought to the table, to promote HamShack Hotline on your own! I have really noticed an uptick of activity here on FB, but would encourage the use of our Mattermost platform, for in depth discussions and technical speak on HH and PBX, and general communications in general. Over the last several years I have been taking care of the Website, and Social media aspects. I started to dabble into the YouTube side of things, as I enjoy photography and videography. However I have noticed much better talent among our membership, who I think would be better at creating interesting videos for Hamshack Hotline? I am trying to up the quality of promotion, and education of all things HamShack Hotline, and things pertaining to it and PBX systems. I am looking for a volunteer who might be up for the challenge.Please email me at [email protected] 73Ken KA1EZH