Greetings to the whole of the ham radio community. It’s been a while since I reached out to you and offered a word. Hamshack Hotline (HH) has continued its curve of steady growth and service the community world-wide. This would not be possible without the dedication of some people who share the common vision for the project.
I wanted to make a special mention to two people who have shown unwavering effort in supporting this project, Bill (KG6BAJ) and Dave (W2DAN) without their efforts, careful diligence, and stewardship have been the primary hallmark of quality that the HH project envisions for the community. We’ve had our ups and downs, growing pains, and lessons learned but our team continues to strive for excellence in service to the community every day. I also want to recognize Dan Malone (AK6DM) for his excellent work on developing an LDAP directory solution. Dan has joined our team and contributed some amazing work in that regard. David, KD4CLJ continues to be a great support lead helping folks out and hosting technical information conferences on the network.
If you see these gentlemen active in our Discord group, please be sure to thank them – they will appreciate it more than you know, as much as I do.
For me, I have had to ride in the back seat for a while due to a medical issue, but I stay in contact with the team and receive regular updates, and offer support when and where I am able.
Lastly, I wish to continue to thank our many donors who continue to contribute a couple bucks a month to keep HH systems running in the cloud, and keeping the lights on. Without their generosity and commitment to the project, none of this would be possible at the wold-wide scale of our operation today – THANK YOU for your ongoing support of the project and the community.
73, de John, K1WIZ