Donate to HH

Help Us Keep The Lights On

Do you love what we do? Are you looking to support the monthly costs to keep the lights on at HH?  You’ve come to the right place.  Before we can take your money, we need to let you know the scope of expectations surrounding your donation and establish a mutual understanding.  Hamshack Hotline exists as a Non Profit entity and we are required by law to ensure that donations are properly accounted for and are only used to support operating costs only.  By donating, you agree that your donation is:

  • solely intended for the recurring operational costs of the HH Network
  • not in exchange for any service or expectation of any service delivery
  • not in exchange for any special designation or status
  • non-refundable
  • not eligible for any guarantee of any kind

Donations can be given in three forms:

  • a small monthly recurring donation via Paypal (this option helps support recurring operational costs)
  • a one-time donation via Paypal
  • a one-time check written out to and mailed to  Hamshack Hotline Inc, c/o Dave Neal W2DAN, 45 Beth Rd, Tiverton, RI 02878