Looking for your input?

All I am interested in writing an article about Hamshack Hotline, to be published in various Ham Radio publications. I need those of you who are running HH in your EOC’s, ARES/RACES, and Skywarn stations. Looking to see if any of you can give me some stories over 2018 storm season, and where you used Hamshack Hotline , and how it benefited your operation. Please send a write up about your experience to [email protected] 73 Ken

Increasing Mattermost use

So lets see we have 137 folks on Mattermost, and 664 folks here on FB. I would love to see more of you to become active there. It is a place where far more chat/communication is done concerning different projects whenther amateur radio, PBX, or IOT. So go to link where you find directions to get: https://hamshackhotline.com/mattermost/


Folks I was serious when I put a request out last week for doing a table for Hamshack Hotline at Dayton. I know this requires time, money and dedication. But it would really be great if someone who is planning on attending anyway, to also have the ability to put forth some promotional HH material. IM me if you think you might be able to help. Ty

Public Relations/Media Assistants

I am looking for volunteer assistants to do public relations/media for Hamshack Hotline. I am looking for someone in the USA Midwest, West coast, Europe, and Asia Pacific. I need people who are able to use the materials in which we have provided, along with creating and promoting your own original ideas to further the expansion of Hamshack Hotline. If interested please IM me on Messenger or DM on Mattermost. Looking forward to hearing from some of you. Thank You

We want to here from you.

Ok so I am looking for those of you using Hamshack Hotline in your EOC’s, Skywarn, and NWS uses. I would appreciate any write ups in how it worked for you, so that we can get it out there for others to understand our purpose and how to use efficiently.