Continuing to please.

Just thought I would share Jim’s support, and satisfaction. Thank you for your continued promotion of Hamshack Hotline.

ARES Training Update
Jim Yoder, W8ERW – ARES Data Manager
[email protected]
ARES Training Update
I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’ve had enough wet weather
for a while. On the upside, my grass is looking pretty good lately
although, I’m mowing often. It doesn’t look like we are going to get
much relief from the frequent showers with hurricane season being
off to a wild start. Florence is threatening the East coast with up to
40 inches of rain. That along with the storm surge will present a
serious threat to personal safety and property throughout the area. For those of you who have taken advantage
of Hamshack Hotline and gotten you free VOIP connection, there is a direct connection using Bridge Port #313
to the Hurricane Watch Net.