Hamshack Hotline Assessment?

We have had a very exciting past several months here at Hamshack Hotline. We have grown from two operational servers, to now four serving the globe. We have recently integrated the unlicensed portion for those who are just venturing into communications, in order to promote those people to eventually become licensed amateur radio operators.

I am looking for honest assessment of the service, and those who attempt to serve you as the client. Let us know what you like, and what you don’t like about Hamshack Hotline.

In that I would like you to expound on the positive, and have a solution for the negative and not a bitch session against any individual or the system. Hamshack Hotline is what we as a whole make it. If we work together the sky is the limit, if we make it an individual thing we have no hope.

If there are changes you want we can look at them, I am not saying we will but we will keep and open mind and do what is best for the good of all amateurs.

I am looking forward to your comments. Thank You Ken ReynoldsKA1EZH