Sorry I been MIA

So I have been pretty silent as of late and apologize, but have been dealing with some family matters. Now that they are as in order as they gonna be its time to talk up HH! I was pretty pumped this past Tuesday as I mentioned earlier in the week, when I presented to my local radio club. We need all of you the end users of Hamshack Hotline, to promote amongst each other not just we the founders. So please when ever you have the chance to bring Hamshack Hotline to a group of Hams please use all the materials found in the file section our FB page. Ty and 73

A Hearty Thank You

Despite the rainy cool weather up in NH this weekend I want to send a very sincere thank you to David Bodman KD4CLJ. He not only weathered the elements at NEARFEST, but put a good amount of time into an awesome demo table and creation of a new brochure for Hamshack Hotline.

Tis the Season

We are in the beginning of the very busy Ham Convention and Flea Market season. I continue to encourage the impromptu demo’s many of you have been bringing to these events, its you the end user of Hamshack Hotline who are our greatest promotional point to the Amateur Radio Community. Remember too, pictures and videos of your promotional efforts of Hamshack Hotline are wanted.

Keep the good work up!

Been really excited about the energy many of you are bringing to local Flea’s and Hamfests. I truly believe that our success of growth among the Ham community, is a result of the great demonstrations and word of mouth promoting. Again most materials you need are found on our FB page, in the files area. I am also looking for pictures and videos of these events.

Spring Visions

So it is spring time, and we all are starting to get the itch to get out of the house. We all want to work on our shacks and antenna systems. What better way to pass ideas back and forth, than on Hamshack Hotline and our Mattermost platform. I have created and Radio and RF projects chat room. I would ask that folks please use this resource, and Hamshack Hotline to pass ideas around. Also what I continue to long for are folks looking to maybe have discussions on different topics whether it be on emergency communications, Skywarn, PBX, or radio and RF oriented subjects. I believe if we could start having scheduled topic conferences, it can further enhance the purpose of the Hamshack Hotline. If anyone is interested in covering a topic please direct message me here, or on Mattermost. Thanks Ken

Looking for your input?

All I am interested in writing an article about Hamshack Hotline, to be published in various Ham Radio publications. I need those of you who are running HH in your EOC’s, ARES/RACES, and Skywarn stations. Looking to see if any of you can give me some stories over 2018 storm season, and where you used Hamshack Hotline , and how it benefited your operation. Please send a write up about your experience to [email protected] 73 Ken